Ofsted 2023 Report:
Welcome to our nurturing haven for early childhood education, where every child’s journey is embraced with warmth and excellence.
Kiddicare is a proud member of the Early Years Alliance and NDNA organisation.
Reflecting the insights from the Ofsted 2023 Report, our ethos revolves around
fostering robust communication skills, forging strong bonds with parents,
instilling exemplary behaviour, and prioritizing the holistic well-being of each
precious child in our care. We have also attached a link to our report for further
details and information.
‘There is a strong focus on communication and language development. Staff
support children to extend their vocabulary. For example, staff introduce words
such as ‘edible’ and ‘inedible’ and help children understand what this mean. Staff
converse with children well during their play. All children, including children who
speak English as an additional language, are becoming confident
‘Partnership with parents is highly effective. Parents speak positively about the
setting and the caring and welcoming staff. They say that staff keep them well
informed about their children’s learning, next steps and general progress. This
helps to ensure the continuity of children’s learning at home.’
‘Children behave well, and staff support them to develop their social skills. They
use good manners and show respect to one another. This prepares them well for
their next stages of education, including transition on to school, when applicable’
‘Children’s physical health and well-being are a priority for staff. Leaders ensure
that children eat nutritious and balanced meals. Staff encourage children to
become helpers and set up tables for lunchtime. This helps them to develop a
sense of responsibility. Children practise their self-care skills as they learn to use
utensils and feed themselves from a young age.’